Java CSV parser / creator with the goal of providing the leanest API possible - based on Java 8 Streaming API
Deals with certain edge cases other parsers aren’t capable of and does not require pre-processing for metadata trimming.
You don´t want to rely on rather big libraries such as Apache Commons CSV, dislike their API or lacking features such as line skipping, filling missing cells correctly with null using tabulator delimiter this library might be all you need.
SexyCsv consists of two components:
1. SexyCsv.Parser (Read CSV)
2. SexyCsv.Creator (Write CSV)
and works with Java Annotations to map header columns to object fields
public class TestEntity {
@CSVColumn(value = "id", position = 0)
public String id;
@CSVColumn(value = "name", position = 1)
public String name;
@CSVColumn(value = "age")
private Integer age;
@CSVColumn(value = "country")
private String country;
Path path=Path.of("some-file.csv");
String b=row.get("columnName");
Path path=Path.of("some-file.csv");
SexyCSV.Parser parser=SexyCSV.Parser.builder()
.hasHeaderRow(true) //auto-use of the given header in the file
//.header(Arrays.asList("id", "name", "age", "country")) set manual header
.rowFilter(s->s.matches("^\\d.*")) //we are only interested in rows that start with a number
//.tokenizer(s -> s.split(";")) optional custom tokenizer
List<Row> data=parser.parse(path)
Row firstRow=data.get(0);
// Access cells
String a=row.get(1);
String b=row.get("columnName")
//or simply parsing to your Java entity
Stream<TestEntity> entities = parser.parse(path,TestEntity.class);
SexyCSV.Creator<TestEntity> creator = SexyCSV.Creator.<TestEntity>builder()
.withTypeConverter(LocalDateTime.class, new LocalDateTimeConverter())
List<TestEntity> entities = new ArrayList<>();
//... add some entities
String csvString = creator.toString(;
Stream<String> csvRowStream = creator.toStream(;
Path path = Path.of("test.csv");
creator.toFile(, path);
Add custom type converters based on the Java Function interface
public class LocalDateTimeConverter implements Function<Object, String> {
static DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME;
public String apply(Object localDateTime) {
return ((LocalDateTime) localDateTime).format(formatter);
Parses CSV files to Stream of Row or Entity
Creates CSV files based on Streams, Strings or Entities